David Drew MP

On Monday the children were very excited to welcome David Drew to the allotment. David is the shadow minister for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Our new project was of great interest to him!

After briefly meeting with class 2 for their own form of Question Time, David planted some seed potatoes with class 1, which had been chitting on the windowsill in their classroom for the last few weeks. It was fantastic to see the first vegetables going into the ground!

David thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the children, he was very impressed with their energy and enthusiasm.

It was lovely to start my week in the spring sunshine with these young environmentalists. I learnt a lot about their plans for their allotment and am inspired by their ‘seed saving’ initiative, and the whole allotment project.
— David Drew, MP

It was an absolutely beautiful morning to be on the allotment. After planting, Mrs Hayes asked the children to form a circle where they had a discussion about life cycles, the function of plants and the jobs they do. It was wonderfully idyllic.

After unearthing multiple worms, it seemed very appropriate to sing a little song about these magical mini beasts. The children joined in with the actions before skipping back down the village lane to school.