Potato & Bean Planting - Class 1
Last week class 1 enjoyed planting the first vegetables on the allotment, and what a wonderful sight it was!
Mrs Hayes, the class 1 teacher, is a real legend. She’s an incredible supporter of outdoor learning and is always so enthusiastic. It really rubs off on the children. Here she is helping the children to plant their seed potatoes.
Once the potatoes were in the ground, it was time to plant the beans. Mrs Hayes showed the children how to tie the supporting canes together before they all had a go themselves.
The children applied themselves to the task and did a really good job, not only with their own canes but helping their friends too.
Planting the beans was great fun. It was a joy to see the children enthusiastic about what they were doing and getting their hands dirty. The hope is that, over time, the allotment will become an integral part of the children’s curriculum, providing a valuable learning resource for a multitude of subjects.
Finally, there was just enough time to water the freshly planted area before a well earned play in the adjacent playing field.