September on the Allotment

I started writing this blog last September, but, what with the current COVID-19 situation, there has been a lot going on. So, I’m finally catching up with things and will endeavour to keep writing about the children’s experience on the allotment and other initiatives they get involved with.

Last September everyone was very excited to finally be back at school, even the children! Lockdown left the allotment looking more like an overgrown jungle of weeds than a productive plot. Some parents managed to get up there to plant pumpkin seeds and sweet peas, but oh how it missed the school’s input.

During the first week back the children walked up to the allotment to see just how overgrown things had become. Some of the parents then organised a family day, which is always fun. It’s a great way to start the new term, meet new parents and generally have a natter and a catch up.

Jobs for the day involved strimming the grass, weeding and mulching the raised beds, looking for frogs in the pond and eating cake, kindly made by Mrs Holburn! More progress was also made with the plastic bottle green house, which is really starting to take shape.


School Visits
