Halloween Special

Tonight’s From The Ground session was a spook-tacular Halloween special! There was a great turn out from both children and parents. Always lovely to see how the allotment brings families together.

All of the pumpkins were homegrown by the children on the allotment, and there were just enough! Little ones delighted in getting their hands covered in the slimy innards! Their curiosity was great to see.

The children enjoyed drawing faces on to their pumpkins. With guidance from parents, some very creepy designs were created!

It was a hive of activity around the table, which was covered by the new shelter from the pouring rain! Good job folk at Oakridge are a hardy bunch. Never deterred, even by a deluge!

Little ones mastered the art of using the small carving tools, great for their fine motor skills.

The children came up with lots of creatively carved faces for their pumpkins. From scary scar faces…

…to angry looking beef cakes.

There were some hideous toothy beasts too!

Tonight’s after school club was the last one of the year, sessions will start again in the New Year.

Art Workshop

Show The Love is an annual celebration of all that we love but could lose to climate change. Together we can protect the people, places, and life we love by speaking as one and encouraging our leaders to take action on climate change. Last week Oakridge School took part in this celebration. The children enjoyed a week packed full of fun activities, two of which took place on the allotment.

Last Thursday the children enjoyed a master composting workshop led by Bisley Community Composing. Click here to read the blog. On Friday, they were back at the allotment for an art workshop led by local children’s art group, Art Sparks.

The morning started off brightly enough, but with rain forecast, everyone got straight on with the activities planned. The children from class 2 were given paper and charcoal and asked to draw runner bean frames, sprout stalks and leek leaves from the perspective of ants! It was delightful to watch.

They positioned themselves in small groups on the ground and with charcoal sticks in their hands they were encouraged to make large scale drawings that used all the paper. Some were a little hesitant at first, but as they relaxed so their mark making skills began to flow.

The activity was clearly having the right effect on the children. Giggles, laughs and smiles filled the paper almost as much as their charcoal marks! Some were laughing at the sound the charcoal stick made on the paper, (a rather scratchy, ear piercing sound) while others seemed to be smiling simply because they were doing something creative, outside in the fresh air.

The rain did eventually start to fall, but in true Oakridge spirit, it didn’t deter the children! They simply pulled their coats over their heads and carried on.

Meanwhile, class 1 were trying their hand at making plaster casts. They gathered around the table to listen to what they were being asked to do.

After taking a short walk around the allotment to see what objects they could find to press into the clay, they rolled their sleeves up and began.

They really enjoyed rolling out the clay into flat square slabs. It took two of them just to get the rolling pin to work effectively though, so hard was the clay!

Life on the allotment is always a joyful one. There is never an activity that the children do that doesn’t result in tremendous smiles and lots of laughs!

The children found a lovely array of different objects to press into their clay, some grown on the allotment…

…and others that had been brought in by the lovely ladies from Art Sparks.

There were shoe boxes brimming with interesting organic objects, from shells to petals to pine cones, it all left a lasting impression on the children.

Just one example that the children made.

Once finished, they fitted cardboard around the edge of the clay in readiness to cast.

The ladies from Art Sparks showed the children how to mix the plaster…

…before pouring it into the moulds.

Class 2 meanwhile had begun to make wire and wool dragon flies. It was another task that they all delighted in taking part in. By this time, the heavens had opened so everyone was snuggled under the safety of the shelter. The children chose colourful beads for the body, head and eyes, then chose colourful wool to build up the body.

The finished products were beautiful works of art that were as colourful and as individual as the characters who made them.

Morning break came around fast, and so the children were let loose on the play equipment in the adjacent playing field. Oakridge really is very fortunate to have such a great space only a few minutes walk from the school.

After break there came more clay work . Class 1 enjoyed a free flow session where they were encouraged to build whatever ideas came into their heads. Some built pots…

…others built various animals…

…all of them had a lovely time. It’s how learning should be.

Class 2 also had a go at working with clay. They were given small pots, (similar to hairspray caps) and asked to line them with clingfilm followed by a thin lining of clay.

They were then asked to find a suitable object to press into the clay. Some of the choices the children made weren’t overly sensible, such as this squash, which was quite clearly too big!

Other ideas were better suited!

It was great to see the children getting stuck in and helping each other. Many hands make light work.

Some of the impressions the children made worked really well, such as the head of a teasel.

Once all the pots were ready, the ladies from Art Sparks showed the children how to mix the plaster and gently poured it in.

Everyone came away from the session feeling an incredible sense of satisfaction, (not to mention a little bit damp!) It was a wonderful workshop. Being outside, drawing, making, creating. It was outdoor learning at its best.

Composting Workshop

Show The Love is an annual celebration of all that we love but could lose to climate change. Together we can protect the people, places, and life we love by speaking as one and encouraging our leaders to take action on climate change. Last week Oakridge School took part in this celebration. The children enjoyed a week packed full of fun activities, two of which took place on the allotment.

The composting workshop was led by Lesley Greene, a Master Composter and founder of Bisley Community Composters. The children learned all about the creatures that live in a compost heap, the importance of composting and how they can compost more at school.

The children were broken down into three groups and each had a turn at one of the different activities. The first group got the chance to learn about the basic structure of a compost. They studied a food chain tower, which helped them to understand the different layers of a compost and what organisms and mini bests live where.

This led onto a hands on activity where the children got to rummage through some compost to see what they could find!

It was a lovely journey of discovery as teachers and children delved in and got their hands dirty.

With the use of name cards, the children were helped to identify the different creatures they found.

It was delightful to see such fascination on their faces.

From woodlice to worms to millipedes, the children found the activity very exciting. Lesley’s enthusiasm was infectious and by the end of the session everyone was feeling a lot of love for good composting!

The second activity involved teaching the children about how to improve their own school compost on the allotment. Bags of green waste, cardboard, kitchen vegetable waste and chicken and animal bedding were brought up to the plot prior to the start of the workshop. After a demonstration by Lesley about the correct way to build up the layers, the children made a start on it themselves.

Cardboard was used to line the sides, acting as a thermal wall to help keep the heat in…

…animal bedding was added to help balance all the green waste…

…and layers of cardboard were also placed between the layers to help with the decomposition process. The children had a lot of fun breaking up the cardboard!

The third activity was aimed at helping the children to understand what can and can’t go on a compost. It was a much more theoretical based exercise.

As the children gathered around the table, they all got involved with helping each other work out which food waste went where.

The composting session lasted all morning. It was really lovely to see all the children engaged in what was being asked of them, working so well together and showing great enthusiasm.

From The Ground #18

Today’s From the Ground session was bonkers for conkers! The children’s imaginations ran wild as they transformed our much loved friend: the humble conker, into a bonker creation!

One of the things we love most about the allotment is that it’s a multi purpose space. One doesn’t go there just to garden. It hosts a whole range of wonderful activities, allowing the children to express themselves in many magical ways. This old conker shell made a good glue pot!

Today’s craft session was inspired by the changing seasons, and Autumn is perhaps our favourite out of all of them. The colours are spectacular and the light has a wonderful mystery and magic that’s hard to rival. It offers much excitement for children. Conkers capture their imaginations and epitomise what Autumn is all about. It therefore seemed highly relevant to incorporate them into one of our after school sessions.

The conker critters the children made engaged their hearts, heads and hands. With great passion in their hearts they dreamt up the creations in their heads and built them with their hands.

It’s amazing how far a bit of plasticine, a few pipe cleaners and some glue will go, oh, let’s not forget goggly eyes too!

Be it to make spider’s legs, snail bodies or the wiggly part of a worm, from very basic art materials great creations were made!

We always encourage the children to use as many of the hand tools as possible. It helps build their confidence, knowledge and ability. However, if you value your fingers, then drilling holes in conkers with children probably isn’t for you. Still, they have to learn somehow and so learn they did.

Here’s an interesting conker fact. In 1965 the first World Conker Championships were set up in Northamptonshire and still take place on the second Sunday of October every year. Over 5,000 spectators turn up to watch 500 competitors from all over the world. Prior to the game over 2,000 conkers of the required width (30mm) are collected, drilled and strung. It puts our own effort into perspective, but there might be an opportunity here to start Oakridge’s own knockout conker tournament!

Speaking of which, one couldn’t let the session end without a game of conkers. It was perplexing, and sad, to discover that none of the children knew what the game was. Without wanting to sound too old, it’s a pastime From The Ground has fond memories of playing in the school playground when they were little. Sadly, as with most childhood pastimes, health and safety is like a fun sponge gone bonkers. 

From The Ground #17

It takes a lot more than gale force winds, downpours and a broken shelter to stop this bunch of kids from having fun. The weather at this afternoon’s From The Ground session was a mixed bag of blustery conditions, sunshine, rainbows and torrential rain. Children being children though, they weren’t deterred by any of it. It was wonderful to hear them screaming with excitement as the rain lashed down on their heads.

The allotment site in Oakridge is very open, with little protection from the elements, especially on a day like today. Although disappointing, it came as no surprise to see attendance was down. Only the most hardened of souls braved the weather. Yet it was great to see a new face there. One couldn’t help but think, or hope, that he had been inspired by yesterday’s seed saving workshop. Who knows. The point is he was there and he enjoyed himself.

The biggest blow of the afternoon was the damage to the shelter. It had been put up earlier in the day in readiness for the session. Having erected it with help the day before for the seed saving workshop, one knew a little more about how to do it second time around and so it was a relatively simple one man job. Much satisfaction was felt to see it up, pegged and firmly fixed to the ground. Or so one thought. When there are doubts in the back of one’s mind, one really ought to pay them a little more attention than one possibly did. However, such is one’s determination to see the children up there, come rain of shine, any rational thought went out of the window. On reflection, one should have realised that twelve pegs probably wouldn’t cut it. It doesn’t seem an overly sensible idea to erect what, for arguments sake, is really just a large sail in the middle of a very open site with gale force winds buffering it from all sides. With just two pegs in each corner and four guide ropes there was only one way it was ever going to end up - in the air!

Thankfully, when it was found, it wasn’t up in the air, but slumped casually over the compost bins. Worse still, one of the poles had snapped and there was a large tear in the fabric. It was pretty frustrating given the tent wasn’t even forty eight hours old. Still, it could have been worse. It could have sailed over to another allotmenteer’s plot, squashing their prized parsnips. So yes, the shelter may be down, but it won’t take the wind out of our sails.

Once everyone had helped to pack the shelter away, the children made a start on planting the Spring bulbs. Daffodils, tulips and alliums were all dug into the ground. They cleared the tractor tyre planters of the old bean and pea stalks and dug over the soil. Children bring an innate sense of fun to everything they apply themselves too. It’s a quality many adults would do well to remember. For example, one wouldn’t think there could be much of a game to be made out of planting bulbs. Wrong. The children delighted in carefully laying the bulbs on the surface of the soil before messing the pattern up with their hands. They then fetched a watering can and poured (too much) water over everything they’d just done before mixing it all up again! It was fascinating to watch. Muddy fingers galore.

It was lovely to see the children get stuck in. Little ones delighted in the task and when one doesn’t have enough hands to carry any more bulbs, teeth make a good alternative.

As the weather dried up and the rain clouds moved on, the most beautiful rainbow appeared. Where there’s a rainbow on the horizon one feels good things are just around the corner. There’s a lot of love for everything the children do on the allotment. What they achieve is felt not only by the parents and teachers but also by the wider community. At the seed saving workshop yesterday, a lady who lives in the village was walking her dog and stopped to chat. She was simply gushing with her approval for what the school is striving to achieve here. The path to success is often a bumpy one, so kind words by local folk go a long way in re-affirming one’s belief.

Once all the bulbs were in the ground, the children enjoyed pressing flowers. Some even tried to press a runner bean seed. Flower pressing is an old favourite but it’s an activity that hasn’t gone out of fashion. It made a refreshing change to see the children delighting in the simple task of picking flowers rather than playing on computer games. As with most things in life, it’s hard to find a balance between the things one wants to do, the things one has to do and the things one has never thought of doing. The greatest rewards often come from the most surprising of places.

While some children pressed flowers, others continued to forage for seeds. One can understand the children’s fascination with them. They’re rather captivating, not to mention incredibility colourful. One could almost be mistaken for thinking that it’s not pots of gold that are found at the end of a rainbow. If rainbows really did grow from seeds then what a wonderful variety of seed that would be, and hey, whose to say they don’t. In children’s eyes, anything is possible.

Seed Guardians

Days like today act as great reminders about what all the hard work is for. When we first started out on this journey, the crux of the initiative was to get more children outside enjoying nature and all the great things it brings. We wanted the children to develop a love of their environment and through that love find a deep desire to care for it that little bit more. Today’s seed saving workshop was a defining moment in the story of the school allotment.


In the real world success can be a difficult thing to measure, however, on the allotment we work on the principle that if there are smiles and small people enjoying themselves then there’s hope that we might be doing something right. One of the key reasons why today’s workshop was so successful was because all the children really enjoyed themselves, not just the ones who have a natural interest in the environment. One of the biggest bones of contention From The Ground often feels is how to make environmental education more inclusive. How can it reach those children who don’t think it applies to them; who perhaps aren’t encouraged to take an active interest in looking after their planet; who think it’s not their responsibility? Today the school took huge steps in reaching those children and overcoming that barrier. One could feel the seeds of change being sown. When enthusiasm is so tangible that you can almost touch it, you know it’s been a good day in the office.

Great fulfilment comes from the knowledge that one is making a positive impact on the education of these children in ways that really matter. Nature can nurture our little ones in a way that formal education can only dream of. It can foster friendships, bring children together and ultimately change perspectives. Making our little people feel secure and special is a big part of what education should encompass, and yet frequently it doesn’t. With mental health problems on the rise, it’s clear that something is going wrong somewhere. From The Ground’s biggest driving factor has always been to empower children with the knowledge they need to make their own choices about how they view themselves and the world around them. When children are inspired by what they’re learning about, they develop great enthusiasm for the subject. It warmed one’s heart to see affection for the natural world stir in some of the most unlikely of characters. One could see the cogs of change starting to turn. There was a genuine interest in all twenty seven of them. It was hugely satisfying to witness.

Outdoor learning has a real place in the school curriculum and this couldn’t have been more apparent than today. Within one hour many different subjects were covered: maths, (counting of seeds), languages, (latin plant names), science, (seed conservation and identification), fine motor skills (child development), English, (writing, impromptu story telling - KS1 picked a pumpkin and they intend to make up their own Oakridge interpretation of Cinderella - can’t wait to hear that version!) There was substantiated evidence unfolding in front of everyone’s eyes that education is key to turning the heads of the next generation, (as if we didn’t know it.) We just need more school’s to cotton on. We need politicians to pull their fingers out. Education can be a real game changer. If lessons such as this were given on a weekly basis, then seeds of real change would be sown in the minds of children up and down the country.

Today’s seed saving workshop was given by Sally Oates, from social enterprise group Stroud Community Seed Bank. They are part of a global movement reclaiming seed sovereignty, growing seeds in gardens, allotments and community plots, to share with local people. From The Ground met Sally on the allotment a few weeks ago to discuss the format of the workshop and share ideas. What an inspirational lady she is.

Oakridge School is proud to call itself Gloucestershire’s first Seed Guardian school. It’s a wonderful accolade to hold, but what does it mean? Seed Guardians provide invaluable support to the work of Garden Organic’s seed library. Of the 40,000 packets of seeds distributed to members each year, around 50% are produced by Seed Guardians. There are currently only around 180 active Seed Guardians working hard to produce seed for the Heritage Seed Library. Demand for Heritage Seed Library varieties is high and it is often a challenge to ensure they have enough seed to supply. As Seed Guardians, the children carry out an essential role in maintaining sufficient amount of stock as well as safeguarding rare varieties. A true lesson in seed conservation.

Back in the Spring the children were given a Heritage Seed Library Orphan’s List. It contains varieties that have reached low levels and are in need of the care of Guardians to increase their numbers. It’s recommended that in the first year of being a Seed Guardian, that only one or two varieties are selected. Beans and peas are the most common as there is less chance of cross pollination.

The children selected a pea variety known as Big Ben. This variety is thought to be synonymous with pea Harrison Glory. It is thought to have been developed by Harrison's, a Leicester seed merchant, some time before 1855, when it was first offered by Suttons. By the 1860s it was available as far afield as New Zealand and the USA. It was also listed in EW King & Co Catalogue of 1898.

The second variety of seed they chose was a dwarf French bean known as Odawa Indian, (the Odawa bean traces its origins to the gardens and cooking fires of the Odawa people of Michigan's northwest Lower Peninsula. From the Anishinaabe "adaawe" (to trade), Odawa means "traders" and these beans found their way into the neighbouring Ojibwe, Hidatsa and European communities.) Seeds carry stories, and these stories ought not be forgotten.

From The Ground came across a recent article about an endangered species of pea grown by Charles Darwin in the mid 1880s that has since been saved from extinction by a network of green fingered ‘Seed Guardians’. The pea, known as ‘Champion of England’ has now been registered on the National List by a seed supplier, meaning it can now be sold commercially and enjoyed all over the world after its future was threatened decades ago. Despite being judged as ‘best pea’ by The Journal of Horticulture in 1876 and being grown by Darwin himself in his garden, the variety fell out of favour in the 1970s when mechanised harvesting took over. The seed companies chose not to register Champion of England for commercial sale, putting it at risk of dying out completely. But The Heritage Seed Library has continued to grow this endangered species, giving it a chance to be listed once more. The children at Oakridge have a chance of being involved in the preservation of this seed and similar important seed conservation projects. Now that’s a history lesson you wouldn't want them to miss out on.

In their role as seed guardians, the children did a lovely job of collecting their very special ‘Big Ben’ orphan seeds. Not only did they listen to what was being spoken about, but they respected the words that were said. There’s a difference. Ultimately, one feels they learned a hell of a lot.

Likewise with their Odawa Indian dwarf French beans. In the grand scheme of things, one might feel that seed heritage has no place in the current school curriculum. However, people frequently lack the vision to see beyond the obvious and it’s within those gaps that opportunities are created. A lack of vision in some provides endless open ended ways of seeing the world in delightful and uninhibited ways in others. There is much to be said about foresight and forward thinking.

Of course, it wasn’t just orphan seeds the children were saving. Over nine different seeds were identified and successfully collected: sweet peas, lettuce, sunflower, runner beans, peas, corn cockle, corn flower, phacelia and tomato. Apart from the heritage seeds, which the children will send back to the seed library, they will store the others and plant them next year, thus completing the cycle.

The session began with a brief overview and introduction, including information about heritage seeds, the children's role as seed guardians and the importance of seed conservation. Sally also explained the process of seed collection. The children were then split into six groups and shown which seeds to collect.

There is something to be said for the task at hand. There is much beauty in the brilliance of it. How often does one have the opportunity to be mindful though? Not so much these days. In a world where screen time dominates and social media sores, it’s a worry the way the world is going. To bring our children back to the bedrock of childhood, to the foundation of where imagination sparks, is so important, and it all comes alive in places like the allotment. Children re-connect with what it means to be a child. They rediscover their sense of curiosity, their sense of fun. Why? Because they’re looking up to the sky, way beyond the screen and instead to the horizon that lies beyond. There’s a whole world out there that they sadly just don’t seem to see anymore.

There is much correlation between ideas and the wonders of nature. Growth of any kind knows no boundaries. Great thoughts are formed from the tiniest of ideas, just as great trees grow from seeds, or flowers from bulbs. What starts as just a tiny seed can grow into the most prolific of ideas, given the right conditions. Only the mind knows the boundaries to which it can exist, and the wonderful thing about children is that they don’t know their own minds. They have a wonderful, uninibited beauty that knows no boundaries to which their imaginations can extend. There is so much room for growth. Hope inspires and with inspiration comes a determination to grow stronger. It’s that mindset one wants to embed in our children.

Today the children collected a wonderful and vast array of seeds. The sunflower seeds were a particular favourite, for obvious reasons. Children have such fond memories of trying to grow the tallest, straightest, longest, biggest. It’s no wonder they felt a strong connection to this rather glorious flower. One hopes when they’re older with children of their own that they too will engage with the simple pleasure of growing the tallest sunflower. Let’s hope that job hasn't fallen to robots by then.

The tomatoes also proved popular, but for very different reasons. Out of all of the seeds collected today, which were all dry, they were the only wet ones. How wonderful for the children to squish the seeds between their fingers and feel the gooey juices. It was a proper lesson of discovery that only hands on, outdoor learning can provide. They won’t look at a tomato in quite the same way again!

Often, when one opens their mind they also open their hearts and hands to a whole new way of seeing and feeling the world. One assumes that just because the school is nestled within the gorgeous Cotswold countryside that all the children intrinsically have that natural love of the great outdoors. That simply isn’t the case. Many children come to school each day without any great thought for the fields they pass or the birds that sore above their heads. There’s no love lost for the sights and sounds of nature that passes by them. If one stopped. Just for a moment. A whole new world might reveal itself.

Maybe it’s not us who are the guardians of seeds but seeds who are the guardians of us. Maybe they are here to act as a reminder to us of the responsibility that we have to sow seeds of faith, hope and love. To disperse ourselves as decent, honest human beings, as friends, parents and teachers, who self seed positive aspirations for our children. We leave much in the hands of our little ones but how can we be sure that the seeds we’ve sown are strong enough? If there was a seed library for humans, how many of us would be worth saving? In our children’s eyes, we would all be worthy. But as seasons change and years come and go, perhaps the seeds will be the last ones standing.

Seeds are beautiful things. Who knew they came in so many wonderful, vibrant colours. There really ought to be a Pantone system for them. Like gem stones plucked from a rock, they capture within children something quite intangible. We may have only had the allotment for less than a year, but time is a delight when you’re not in a hurry to use it up. That’s how the allotment feels. There’s never a hurry to be anyway or do anything. It’s not like real life. So let’s carry on telling our fairy tales. The hero isn’t a knight in shining armour or Prince Charming, it isn’t about a damsel in distress. The motto of the story is that there is no happy ending. Things don’t end well just because that’s the way the story goes. Our children need to know that they’re responsible for their own happy endings. That they’re responsible for how their world looks and if they don’t look after it then it won’t have a happy ending either. Seeds have a story all of their own, but it’s up to us to work out how we plant that seed in our children’s minds.

Tidying Up

This afternoon the whole school walked up to the allotment to tidy up the raised beds together. After a long Summer break, there was much to do! It’s always a really positive experience to see all the children on the plot getting stuck in and getting their hands dirty. Up at the allotment, the children’s enthusiasm spreads as quickly as the weeds!

As usual, the session began with a quick chat about what they would be doing. The class teachers split the children into six small groups. Each group was responsible for clearing and tidying a bed.

While there’s always plenty of work to be done on the allotment, there’s also plenty of time for rest and reflection. It’s staggering the amount of playdates and after school clubs youngsters are involved in these days. Rushing around is all very well, but when one is always in a race to get to the next activity, the moment of enjoying the one you’re doing can get lost. The allotment is a great space for just soaking up time.

The children did a grand job of clearing out the tomato bed. Despite not being grown undercover in a greenhouse, there were still plenty of red ones that the children enjoyed sampling!

There were also lots of green ones too…

…which the children made into chutney.

What we love about the allotment is that there’s always an air of optimism. One feels real good is being done in the education of these children and that positive and lasting changes are being made. When the whole school comes together up there, it’s a unifying moment that fortifies the school.

As well as tidying up the raised beds, the children also collected seeds in readiness for their up and coming seed workshop.

The children were all very focused on the tasks at hand. Given the opportunity, they could all develop a real love for the natural world, for gardening and for growing their own food. Delightful to see.

These two enjoyed picking the seeds out of an old sunflower head. It really is the simplest of activities that can give the most pleasure. To just be able to sit in the sunshine, with your mate and play with flowers, it’s lovely.

It’s been said before, but teamwork plays a crucial role in getting jobs done on the allotment. These two lads enjoyed heaving all the old tomato stalks into the wheelbarrow. All in all it was a lovely session.

From The Ground #16

This week’s From The Ground was a feast of beastly bones and fabulous animal anatomies. Fox, frog and rat skeletons stirred delight among the troops. It was a wonderfully tactile and fascinating session enjoyed by parents and children alike.

The large workbench is proving invaluable to our allotment activities. It’s hard to remember how we ever managed without it. There’s something delightful about setting it up in readiness for the children’s arrival. Perhaps it’s the anticipation of what is to come and the sense of great pleasure and delight that one knows is just about to arrive in leaps and bounds across the playing field.

The first activity of the session involved digging up the rat, which the children found in one of the raised beds back in March. If there’s anything dead to be found, you can guarantee that children will find it. It did however cause quite a lot of excitement, espeically when it was promised to them that they could unearth it later in the year.

True to our word, the excavation took place today. Expectations were high about what would be found. The reality was somewhat of a let down once the children realised all that remained was just a pile of very filthy, fragmented bones. The red ants that had moved in and built a nest on top of it did nothing to inspire enthusiasm either.

Not to be deterred, the Oakridge parents rallied morale and soon had the children fully engaged in the task at hand. The red ants were quick to make their escape.

Excitement grew relatively quickly as more bones were unearthed. At first the children couldn’t distinguish between what was a bone and what was simply soil, but after careful explanation they were quick to learn the difference. Ribs, femurs, parts of the skull and jaw bones complete with teeth were discovered. One hopes activities such as this provide unique memories for the children.

After picking out as many bones as they could find, the children carefully washed them. Little faces looked intrigued as the bones slowly revealed themselves. It was the first time that many of them had seen an animal skeleton, let alone touched one. However, getting up close to subjects that most people would prefer to simply glance over is great for a child’s natural curiosity. Death and decomposition are intrinsic to the circle of life. It’s important that children are exposed to these elements so that they can piece the whole puzzle together and understand where they fit in it.

Once the bones were clean, the children were keen to get them under the microscopes to examine them in more detail. This image shows a portion of the jaw of the rat, complete with some of its teeth.

While some of the children were examining the rat, others were piecing together fragments of the fox skeleton.

To help, the children were given diagrams to work from to aid their understanding about which bones went where.

It was a rather perplexing task that even some of the adults struggled with.

What’s so great about outdoor learning is its ability to engage all ages, from the very young to the (very) old! It’s all encompassing. It doesn’t care if you’re four or forty. Curiosity doesn’t age.

It was great to see the children so enthusiastic and engaged. The microscopes were a real hit.

It would have been great to have had a laptop to plug the microscopic camera into. Scientific photography takes everything to a whole new level. It opens up a whole new way of seeing the natural world. It’s got real merit on the allotment, be it to study flowers, plants or just curious creatures. The image below is from a section of the rat’s jaw. Worryingly, the teeth look to be in better condition than that of my own children.

Screenshot 2019-09-23 at 21.23.54-2.jpg

The image below is of the fox skeleton, which the children, (and parents) made a really good effort at reconstructing. With three skeletons to examine from three different animals, it provided a lovely opportunity to compare the different anatomies, both in terms of how bone structures inform an animals’ function, and also in terms of scale. To be able to compare the shoulder blade of a fox to a rat is fascinating for children. Hands on science lessons such as this have a real place within all children’s education.

A New Dawn

As the Summer draws to an end and the start of a new school year begins, there is much to look forward to as the allotment enters its second season. There is a sunrise waiting on the horizon that will inspire, energise and give much joy to the children as they continue on their journey of discovery in this beautiful place.

Before embarking on new projects though, it was important to finish old ones. The fence around the pond and wildlife area was particularly important to complete, as was the large worktable.

Oakridge is very fortunate to enjoy such great relationships with parents, indeed, the school feels like an extended family at times and this couldn't have been more apparent than last weekend when teachers, children, Mums and Dads joined forces once again to get the jobs done.

First up, the worktable. Back in January, before the allotment had even got out of the ground, a member from the local community made a very generous donation of £500. It was in memory of his late wife, who herself had enjoyed her own allotment and apparently would have loved everything the children are doing on theirs. Given the poignant gesture, it was felt that it might be nice to invest the money in something substantial that would really aid the children’s learning and reflect the scale of the donation. A table was decided upon.

After months of deliberating, a design was finally settled on and the local blacksmith in the village was asked to make the metal frame into which planks would be slotted. The frame was walked up to site a few months ago but had been looking rather bare without a top on.

Given the lengthy process involved in getting the table made, there was a real sense of achievement to see it finally finished. The only outstanding detail is to mount a plaque in memory of the gentleman’s late wife. Thinking aloud, a small informal ceremony might be a nice way to mark the occasion, perhaps conducted by the local vicar and accompanied by the teachers, children, the gentleman himself and any parents who wish to attend. The allotment has helped to galvanise the school with the community and so it would be a nice way to maintain positive relationships with those who have been so kind as to show their support for the scheme and school as a whole.

The main job for the weekend though was the fence. Corner posts had been erected a few months ago but the whole thing was in desperate need of finishing. It was a fairly big undertaking but with great Oakridge spirit the job got done. By the end of Saturday the remaining holes for the fence posts had been dug, setting out completed and the top run fixed.

The beauty of the allotment is that you never know what you’re going to find. The opportunity of being caught by surprise is rather fun and what really delights the children. Back in the Spring for example, a dead rat was found and subsequently buried, (it’s due to be dug up soon and its skeleton studied), so you can imagine the excitement when the children found a dead frog at the bottom of the pond! Of course, they all wanted to look at it but none of them were brave enough to actually stick their hand in and retrieve it. That lovely task fell to one of the parents.

The skeleton was wonderfully preserved and provided an impromptu and insightful lesson into anatomy, form and function. Although still slightly decomposing, the children were fascinated by the toe bones in particular. They were so beautifully formed it was easy for them to imagine how the webbed skin could stretch over them. Their sense of curiosity was wonderful to see and really brought home why the allotment is so important: intrigue and unpredictability abound.

Work progressed rapidly on Sunday, so much so that come Monday morning the fence was looking rather majestic against the early morning sun. It’s such a beautiful time of the day, with just the song birds for company and the occasional, curious deer. Such animals make far better company than people. If children could experience a dawn chorus session, perhaps snuggled under blankets with hot chocolates in hands, it might be just what they need to get inspired by nature and appreciate the beauty of the great outdoors.

Gardening Club #14

Sometimes, there is as much reward in the process of making something than in the finished article, as some of the children discovered at last week’s gardening club. There is perhaps nothing more simple than a humble, hand made fishing net.

It has been a whirlwind of activity since the idea of the allotment was first conceived and the project, quite literally, raised from the ground. Wonderful to see what can be achieved in the space of just a few short months and, what has been more rewarding, are the clear educational benefits that it has brought to the children’s learning. Come rain or shine, many happy memories have been made since the very first gardening club back in January, and today’s activity was no exception.

The biggest success of the school allotment, from the children’s point of view, has to be the pond. It has proved a massive asset, helping to facilitate the children’s learning about life cycles and driving their enthusiasm to engage with the natural world. Over the past few months, they have been captivated by the tadpoles, and other forms of life, in this new wildlife area. It therefore seemed a good idea to indulge them in their passion by giving them the opportunity to make their own fishing nets.

It’s remarkable what can be made from a single piece of willow, cotton and a bit of mesh. It was a very resourceful session where the children learned lots of new skills: some had never picked up a needle and thread before and some had never weaved willow. It was a lesson in how to be mindful. They crafted with their hands and engaged their brains in the wonderful world of making. No one was rushing to get anywhere or do anything; there was no pressure and no time constraints. The children very much enjoyed being in the moment, engaged in the task at hand; a rare thing to be able to do in this digital world.

There were some who were keen to get the thing made so they could get on and enjoy what they love doing best, while others were happy to simply sit in the beautiful sunshine with a giant teddy, sewing contentedly to the sounds of song birds. This little lad sat for over an hour making his net and sewing up the seam. If it sounds idyllic that’s because it was.

As with all these slightly ad hoc ideas, one can never really know if they will actually work. Of course, had time allowed, the sensible thing would have been to make one earlier, but this isn’t Blue Peter and so the success of the activity was pinned on hope rather than any concrete prototype. It was therefore with great relief that the method of construction resulted in fully functioning nets that actually worked.

Not only that, but the pond’s first baby newt was caught in one, which created much excitement among the troops.

The children were also super excited to see the transformation of the tadpoles, many of which were hopping around the perimeter of the pond trying to avoid being caught.

Having been heavily man handled by a small heard of children for the majority of their relatively short lives, it came as no surprise to find that the tiny frogs were extremely docile and friendly, either that or they had simply resigned themselves.

The sense of satisfaction from making a fully functioning object that fulfils its purpose shouldn’t be overlooked: that feeling of achievement is important because it helps bolster a child’s confidence and belief in their own abilities. In the current national curriculum, little prominence is given to subjects that are hard to measure achievement by, and yet ironically, it’s within those subjects where children achieve the most. Perhaps those people pulling the strings of our children’s education should try making their own fishing nets, they might catch themselves by surprise.

Winston's Wish Wear Wellies Day

Two weeks ago, pupils, parents and staff were invited to pull their wellies on in support of Winston's Wish, and with the wet weather we had been having, no one had to think twice!

Winston's Wish is a Cheltenham based charity that supports bereaved children across the UK. Unlike adults, who stay with their grief, children often jump in and out of their grief, described as ‘puddle jumping’. Conversations can allow children to express their emotions; be it sadness, anger, joy or fear. By opening up these important conversations about death, children who are grieving can ‘puddle jump’ while understanding their mixed emotions.

There has been a lot of press coverage recently about how schools support bereaved children. The charity recently conducted a study by researchers at Cambridge University and found a random approach among schools, with children receiving only little or no help at all following bereavement. The full article can be viewed by clicking here. There are families within the Oakridge community who have felt the full support of Winston's Wish and so it was a wonderful opportunity to share in this positive fundraising effort for them and all children affected by grief.

The activities for the day couldn't have been more appropriate: the whole school enjoyed a trip to the allotment. Years 3 and 4 spent the morning putting their maths skills to good use; working out the spacing between tomato plants. Measurement is a statutory topic within the year 3 and 4 programmes of study and it was brilliant to see it being implemented so effectively through outdoor learning.

The children also measured the perimeters of various objects, which again, is another statutory topic within the curriculum. Tractor tyre planters proved particularly challenging given their large girth!

The shed was another useful object that the children enjoyed working out the perimeter of…

…whereas the pond proved a little more tricky!

Once the children had finished their math’s work, they enjoyed digging up potatoes, which they took back to the classroom and made soup from.

Learning about healthy lifestyles and understanding the importance of nutrition are topics that fall within the science and DT curriculums. It really was quite staggering that so many subjects could be covered in just a single day. Big thanks to the local parish council for allowing the school to acquire a plot on the community allotment site, without which the children wouldn't have many of the cross curricular learning opportunities that they now enjoy.

The morning session culminated with break spent on the playing field, adjacent to the school allotment. Fresh air, beautiful views and the gorgeous Cotswold countryside abound; our children are extremely fortunate to be able to grow up in such idyllic surroundings.

After lunch, all year groups took part in a scarecrow building exercise, and what a wonderful couple of hours it was! The children broke down into small groups and began by rummaging through all the old clothes that had been generously donated, picking out suitable attire for their scarecrows.

Next, they grabbed handfuls of straw and furiously stuffed arms, legs, heads and torsos with as much as they could feasibly fit! The children had so much enthusiasm and energy, it was delightful to watch.

There was a great sense of satisfaction when the first scarecrow was finished!

Outdoor learning promotes positive thinking, encourages conversation and draws on real life problem solving. It allows the children to engage with each other in a free flowing environment, where laughs abound and the normal constraints of the classroom are overruled. Just look at all these smiles.

It’s no wonder doctors in Dursley, Stroud, are prescribing ‘gardening on prescription’ to alleviate physical and mental health problems, as well as helping with obesity, lack of exercise, healthy eating, stress, anxiety and social isolation. It’s a ground breaking project and the first of its kind in the UK. The venture was begun three years ago by Down to Earth, a local community organisation that supports people in growing and harvesting their own fruit and vegetables. They are an inspiring bunch of people, who have given much support to Oakridge School’s own allotment project.

There are clear benefits to being outdoors in the fresh air, but not all children are fortunate enough to have access to such important learning opportunties. With the right funding and guidance, there is hope that an allotment or school gardening scheme can be rolled out to schools across the area therefore creating rich, environmental awareness among children, helping to create healthy, positive minds. There is great determination to bring individual schools together, under one framework, to create a network of green fingered, enthusiastic learners who, using a template of measurable, provable and tangible learning methods and targets, are taught about the importance of looking after their planet and all living things on it.

What outdoor learning has proven time and time again is that there are endless opportunities for cross curriculum learning that the boundaries of a classroom just cannot match. In the picture below, and using just a single piece of straw, a TA gives an impromptu lesson in 2-D shapes to one of the children due to start reception in September. It was a small moment but one that may well stick in that little girl’s head for a long time.

Mental health and emotional well being are at the fore front of everything that Oakridge School strives for. It's quite remarkable that all this took place on a day when the school was fundraising for the very charity that demands this type of support for children. It was an incredibly uplifting, positive and rewarding experience for all those involved.

The finished scarecrows are true creations of the children’s imaginations: bright, daring, dazzling and slightly crazy! They may well scare off not just the birds, but the other allotment holders too!

From the ones with the slightly crooked heads…

…to the baby faced ones…

…they all encapsulate a quality so inherent to children: fun, and it is that sense of playfulness that Oakridge School nurtures. There’s not much joy to be found within the limitations of the current national curriculum, so the efforts that individual schools go to, to bring life to the children’s learning go a long way in creating positive experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Sowing the Seeds for Social Growth

On the allotment, it’s surprising what grows; it goes a lot deeper than just vegetables. It’s an organic, evolving space where seeds of social change are being sown. It’s a valuable learning resource for the children, but it is also a platform for families to meet and gather; chat and play. It promotes health and well being, fosters friendships and channels peace of mind.

When not being used by the school for cross curriculum topics, or by gardening club for after school activities, it has been delightful to see individual families using the allotment in their own time, for their own purpose: to enjoy the simple pleasures that are to be found from the ground. One Mum explained how she and her son often stop there on their way home from school. Her son will engage in a spot of pond dipping as she sits and relaxes, watching on. The allotment offers them something that their own garden does not: open space, countryside views, fresh air and tranquility. It was deeply encouraging to hear her talk about the benefits it brings to her family’s health and wellbeing.

That families can ‘bump’ into each other in this way adds an interesting social dynamic to the school. Parents with young children can sometimes feel isolated, with many carrying the weight of work and life pressures on their shoulders. The school run is not conducive for finding solace among friends. The allotment, however, provides a space, not only for friends to take a moment together, but strangers too. Oakridge is a small school, but there are still a surprising number of Mums and Dads who don’t know each other all that well. Sometimes it’s nice just to stop, and the allotment is that stop. It provides an alternative space for the school community, where conversations can carry in the wind and self seed in the most surprising of places. Just recently two families bumped into each other there. The Mum’s had never spoken to each other before and yet they discovered they had a remarkable amount in common. The allotment provides opportunities for chance encounters from which longer term connections between people can be made.

It’s the children who ultimately benefit though. The allotment is a powerful tool that helps friendships germinate and inquisitive minds to blossom. The picture below is another example of the allotment’s social success story. Little ones can kick off their shoes and stresses from the day and loose themselves in a world of natural wonder. Friendships can be enjoyed, imaginations can run wild and hearts can sing to the songs of the birds. That sense of belonging and escaping, both simultaneously, are what makes the allotment special.

Just last week, two families enjoyed an impromptu play date. The Mum’s mowed and strimmed, the younger ones played, while the older ones were keen to help. One doesn’t feel inhibited when engaged in productive tasks. Shyness ebbs away and is replaced with a natural curiosity; at the allotment, the children flourish as much as the flowers. Nature evokes an enthusiasm that formal education can only dream of. There is a deep desire to engage in activities, which for the most part, require working together as a team. This couldn’t be more true for the two children in the picture below, who helped to strim the raised beds. There was mutual turn taking, not only with the strimmer but, lacking any safety goggles, also with the young girl’s glasses! One would hold the water soaker hose up while the other strimmed and then they would swap. A valued partnership was formed as was an important lesson in friendship.

You don’t have to dig very deep to see how well rooted children, and adults for that matter, become when they’re given time and space to grow, naturally. Purposeful tasks soak up normal social boundaries and consequently, conversations bud with evergreen smiles. Since the allotment’s first inception six months ago, great energy has gone into creating a productive plot that is capable of growing vegetables. To this end, staff, pupils and parents have succeeded: potatoes, broad beans, lettuces and courgettes are all ready and waiting to be picked. What the allotment has also shown is that it is capable of growing friendships too. The term companion planting couldn’t be more apt: we have created our own special community, which has mutual benefits for everyone. Much like our children, who have nurtured the vegetables on the allotment, so we nurture our children, and in so doing, help them grow into strong, young adults.